Sunday, 13 March 2016

Sir Princess Petra's Mission Blog Tour

Sir Princess Petra's Mission
The Pen Pieyu Adventures (bk#3)
by Diane Mae Robinson

Blog Tour Schedule

Petra, Snarls, and the gang are going on a tour. 

Blog Tour hosted by Sue Morris

Tour Schedule (dates will be added as reviewers sign up)


Book Blog Tour Hosted by Sue Morris
One Author's Thoughts 


  1. Woo-hoo! All my social media! (*sheepishly* Well, there is one more: Pinterest: All the covers are there.)

    Princess Petra, oops, SIR Princess Petra is adorable, but Snarls is my favorite. If only he would come over and cook for me.

  2. Hi Sue. Oh, finally, I'm able to comment on my own blog. I had to pay troll ransom, but all it good now. I added your Pinterest account, so your famous sites should all be listed. Petra is stomping her foot at you for picking Snarls as your favourite. :)

