Saturday, 23 April 2016

Metacognition--It's a real word

A word I recently learned from a friend of mine. It is a very good word that explains a lot on thought process, and more specifically on the learning thought process.

Metacognition is defined as "cognition about cognition", or "knowing about knowing". It comes from the root word "meta", meaning behind.[1] It can take many forms; it includes knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for learning or for problem solving.[1] There are generally two components of metacognition: knowledge about cognition, and regulation of cognition.[2]
Metamemory, defined as knowing about memory and mnemonic strategies, is an especially important form of metacognition.[3] Differences in metacognitive processing across cultures have not been widely studied, but could provide better outcomes in cross-cultural learning between teachers and students.[4]
Some evolutionary psychologists hypothesize that metacognition is used as a survival tool, which would make metacognition the same across cultures.[4] Writings on metacognition can be traced back at least as far as De Anima and the Parva Naturalia of the Greek philosopher Aristotle.[5]

So, in simpler terms, metacognition is the thinking about thinking, or thinking about one's own mental process. 

Here is an interesting article by Micheal E. Martinez: 

I believe creative people (writers, artists, musicians) have accessed metacognition through the trial and error of performing their craft and are, therefore, more in tune with the process.

Visit my author's website at:

Monday, 18 April 2016

Sir Princess Petra's Mission Blog Tour Wind Up

Sir Princess Petra's Mission

Blog Tour hosted by Kid Lit Reviews 

March 15 - April 16, 2016

The Pen Pieyu Gang and I sincerely thank all the bloggers who took part in Sir Princess Petra's Mission book blog tour. Your time and effort to make the tour a success is greatly appreciated.

Snarls is strutting around with a puffed-out chest since he first saw his name in bold on the tour banner and more so after Sue Morris interviewed him: 

Although, Petra did get her two-bits in on Gina's site in her interview: 

A big thanks to the two kids who joined in the tour. You two are awesome! 
Lian, at I Read What You Write, did an author interview:  And Isabella, at Blooming Brilliant, did a video review: 

A sincere thank you to Sue Morris at Kid Lit Reviews for hosting this tour and finding all the best people to participate.

My next book, The Dragon Grammar Book, will be published in late 2016 or early 2017. I do hope you will participate in that blog tour too. The Dragon Grammar Book is an easy-to-understand grammar book for middle grades to beginning adults and has The Pen Pieyu characters, sometimes doing zany things, in the example sentences.

And there's more to come in The Pen Pieyu Adventures series.

Thank you all again.

A look at what people are saying about Sir Princess Petra's Mission:

Reviewer Prize Giveaway Winners

1. One of two $50.00 Amazon gift certificates.   
                 Winner: Gina at Insatiable  Readers
                 Winner: Shelle and Lian at I read what you write.                                                                   
2. One set of signed copies of all three paperbacks in The Pen Pieyu Adventures and a Sir Princess Petra book bag.  
                 Winner: Charles Ray, Amazon reviewer

3. One set of signed copies of all three paperbacks in The Pen Pieyu Adventures Series and a Sir Princess Petra mouse pad.

                 Winner: Deborah Owen at Creative Writing Institute

4. One set of signed copies of all three paperbacks in The Pen Pieyu Adventures series.
                 Winner: Maria, Amazon reviewer 

Thursday, 7 April 2016

The Pen Pieyu Adventures Series Wins Ninth Book Award

Sir Princess Petra's Talent (book 2)wins Honorable Mention in the 2015 Los Angeles Book Fair.

This is the 9th book award for The Pen Pieyu Adventures series.

JM Northern Media LLC is a company focused on media and the people who make it. Founded in 1999, we produce annual events and report on the people who are making things happen in the world of digital media and beyond.

Submitted works will be judged by a panel of publishing industry experts using the following criteria:
  1. General excellence and the author's passion for telling a good story.
  2. The potential of the work to gain a wider audience in the worldwide market.

WINNER: “Thrones and Bones” – Lou Anders
RUNNER-UP: “It Only Takes One Friend” – Robin Chiarello:
  • ”The Royal Fables” – Marc Clark
  • “Eggy Yolk and the Dirty Rotten Dozen” – Joe and Anna Nipote
  • “Sir Princess Petra’s Talent” – Diane Mae Robinson
  • “PB&J Hooray!” – Janet Nolan
  • “The Reluctant Witch” – Sally O. Lee
  • “Mutasia: Figley’s New Favorite Food – Suzanne Cotsakos and Chelsea Menzies
  • “Diamond Island” – Linhn Giang
  • “The Dragon and the Pixies” – Justin John Sullivan
  • “Mr. Dooley’s Circus” – Mary Anne Lipousky-Butikas
  • “The Little Goat in Africa” – Deborah Smith Ford
  • “The Alchemist’s Legacy” – I S Hassan 
  • “Baby’s Bucket Book” – Carol McCloud
  • “A Long Winter” – Joleen Michellie Jenkins
  • “American Amazons” – Alex Bugaeff
  • ”The Goldenly Wreath” – Latonya S. Hicks

For more information about The Pen Pieyu Adventures, reviews, awards, and a free pdf download coloring pages, visit: