Saturday, 27 June 2020

Time for Margot to Go to Bed (Margot the Groundhog and Her North American Squirrel Family Book 3) Kindle Edition

by Lieve Snellings (Author)
Print Length: 38 pages 
Sold by: Services LLC 
Language: English


 Winter cold is coming. Margot the groundhog must go to bed. But why is she feeling so sad?
Hibernating means being alone for a long time. How can she survive?

Together they find solutions.
Which ones, of course, you can find out, by reading this book.

What I Thought 

 A delightful story about an endearing groundhog named Margot. The story is imaginative and well told with valuable messages that children will learn from. The author’s photography in this book is wonderful. A charming book for children to connect with wildlife.

Other Books by Lieve Snellings