Saturday, 27 October 2018

Creative Writing Institute Flash Fiction Contest

10th Anniversary Flash Fiction Contest
Creative Writing Institute's  flash fiction contest is open until October 31, 2018. The limit is 1,000 words. See contest rules at You may enter up to five times but each entry must be submitted separately. 
 First place:
$100 and a Gold eMedal OR $200 discount toward any CWI course valued at $295.

Second place:
$50 and a Silver eMedal OR $100 discount on any CWI writing course.

Third place:
$25 and a Bronze eMedal OR $50 discount on any CWI writing course.

Fourth and Fifth place:
Honorable Mention eMedal AND $25 discount on any CWI writing course.
You will love the classy eMedals. You can resize them to post them on your site and social media!

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Coloring Contest For Kids

The Dragon Newsletter announces 2018 Coloring Contest.

The Dragon Newsletter Coloring Contest hosted by DragonsBook.Com.

Three categories: ages 5 – 8; ages 9 – 12; ages 13- 18.

Sign Up for the newsletter for the free coloring book and contest details: 

The contest runs Oct. 1, 18 – Jan.1, 2019. 1st place winners in each category will receive a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card.

The Dragon Newsletter is an occasional newsletter about kid's contests, book giveaways, and books on sales--It's all about kid's stuff.

Visit to learn more about these multi-award-winning dragon books for children.