Sunday, 18 October 2015

Children's Author Wins 6th International Book Award

Release date: October 15, 2015

Literary Classics

Literary Classics Announces Youth Media Top Book Award Recipients

SOUTH DAKOTA - Literary Classics announced its 2015 selection of top books for children and young adults today.  Award recipients were selected from entries received from around the globe.  The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize the following titles in children’s and young adult literature which exemplify the criteria set forth by the Literary Classics Awards committee.

SIR PRINCESS PETRA'S TALENT - THE PEN PIEYU ADVENTURES, by Diane Mae Robinson, has won a silver medal in the Pre-teens/Tweens Chapter Book Category. 


Literary Classics International 5 Star Book Review of Sir Princess Petra's Talent:

A complete list of the 2015 Children's Literary Classics International Book Award recipients can be viewed here:

This is the author's 6th international book award for her children's fantasy/adventure series, The Pen Pieyu Adventures. In 2012, Ms. Robinson also won the prestigious provincial award: Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Emerging Artist Award (literary arts). For a list of the author's previous awards, visit: 

The 2015 Literary Classics book award recipients will be recognized during an awards presentation to be held on April 2, 2016 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.  A complete list, including links to Literary Classics' reviews of all award winning books, may be found at

Literary Classics, an organization dedicated to furthering excellence in literature, takes great pride in its role to help promote classic literature which appeals to youth, while educating and encouraging positive values in the impressionable young minds of future generations.  Judging is based upon the criteria set forth by Literary Classics’ highly selective awards committee which honors books promoting character, vision, creativity and learning, through content which possesses key elements found in well-crafted literature.

The Literary Classics judging committee is comprised of experts with backgrounds in publishing, writing, editing, design, illustration, and book reviewing.   To learn more about Literary Classics, visit their website at

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Counting Rhythm And Meter In Poetry

How to Count Rhythm and Meter in Poetry
by Deborah Owen, CEO
Creative Writing Institute

Image result for poetry clipart free
Two things every poet needs to know are the rise and fall of meter and the rhythm that carries from one line to the next.

Meter is timing the words in the same order on each line. Rhythm is making the timing fall on the right beat at the right time. That can be a big trick. Example:

I saw a man who came from Mars and wore a pretty suit
Green was it, and something strange, he wore just one pink boot

Here is how you can check the syllables in poetry. Place the back of your hand under your chin and read your poem aloud, clearly, distinctly and slowly. You will notice that your chin naturally falls with each syllable.

In the first sentence, the first accent falls on the word "saw" – not on the word “I.” In the second line, the rhythm is wrong because the accent falls on the first syllable, which is "Green." Can you see that? Look at it again. You could force the rhythm to work, but the following would be better:

I saw a man who came from Mars and wore a pretty suit
The green did shine, but something strange, he wore just one pink boot

Do you see how the accent now falls on the second word in both sentences? That’s rhythm! Many poets think they have metered their poetry when they have actually thrown it off, (but poets have literary license to arrange the language to suit their needs).

If you wanted to change the rhythm from one verse to the next, you could do that. In the first verse, every accent could fall on the first word. In the second verse, it could fall on every second word. Just group them and you will be fine.

Now reread those two lines of poetry and count the rise and fall of the accents. You should count seven on each line. Got it? Yeah!  

Deborah Owen is the CEO of Creative Writing Institute  where I am also a writing tutor for the Writing For Children Course

CWI, a Nonprofit Charitythat Offers Free Courses to Cancer Patients

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