Saturday, 2 June 2012

Night Buddies and the Pineapple Cheesecake Scare

Book Review of: Night Buddies and the Pineapple Cheesecake Scare

Author: Sands Hetherington                                
Illustrator: Jessica Love
Publisher: Dune Buggy Press, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-9847417-1-7

     The story starts out with a nine year old boy named John Degraffenreidt meeting a comical red crocodile named Crosley. Crosley appears in John's room at bedtime and convinces John to join the Night Buddies Program and help solve the mystery of all of the missing pineapples cheesecakes from the factory across town.

     Crosley has a "I-ain't-here" gadget that enables them to become invisible so they can sneak out of John's house.

     John and Crosley get on the subway and ride the Night Folks Limited to the factory where they meet the giant manager, Big Foot Mae. Big Foot Mae can't figure out where all the pineapple cheesecakes are
disappearing to, and hires the duo to solve the mystery.

     There are dangers involved, but the Night Buddies are up for it. And with all of Crosley's special gadgets, it's bound to make for an interesting and zany adventure, especially when the Night Buddies pursue
The Iguana Gang, the suspected cheesecake thieves.

     I liked this book because it is imaginative, fun, has zany characters, and it made me laugh, a lot. John and Crosley work well together to solve the mystery of the missing pineapple cheesecakes. Both John and Crosley are very funny and come up with the best "one-liners".

      I fell in love with Crosley's character and found him to be a charmingly funny and  loveable crocodile. He is mesmerized by cheesecakes and drools, forgetting what he is there for. He definitely needed John to help him with this mission and keep his crocodile head on straight.

     Big Foot Mae and the Iguana Gang are also fun characters. The Iguana Gang is hilarious in the way they talk and react to situations.

     The book also includes a Night Buddies Uncommon Word dictionary, which kids will get a kick out of:
Jeek! Yigg! Yerk Yerk! and more.

     The black and white illustrations by Jessica Love are wonderful and capture the essence of the story.

     Children will love this book and get many laughs out of all the comical situations.

     Excelsior, Mr Hetherington! (Totally super in Night Buddies language)

For more on Sands Hetherington and the Night Buddies series, please visit:



  1. Hi! Just poppin' in to remind you of the "Sharing Our Bookshelves" event on my blog. You were interested, and I meant to reply back sooner. :)

    On the 1st of every month I post the new "Sharing Our Bookshelves" link-up. Just visit my blog and you'll find it close to the top, I believe. There is a list of the other people who have joined already, and you'll be able to add your posts on there too. Feel free to add as many of your book reviews as you like. You might like to check out some of the other bloggers too!

    ~ Tarissa
    { In the Bookcase }


    Linked to your review at the end of mine. Yours gives a different view than mine. So, for variety sake?

