Friday, 15 June 2012

Diane Mae Robinson Recipient of the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Emerging Artist Award

Diane Mae Robinson is a recipient of the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Emerging Artist Award
 Literary Arts

Artists get "catalytic" boost on the road to success

Edmonton - June 14, 2012. Eight Alberta artists received the 2012 Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Emerging Artist Award in a ceremony hosted by His Honour Col. (Ret'd) The Honourable Donald S. Ethell and Her Honour Linda Ethell.

"These artists represent the best of a community that challenges, enlightens
and entertains us," said Lieutenant Governor Ethell. "Creativity of this magnitude
is infectious."

The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Emerging Artist Awards is among
Canada's most generous art awards program. Each recipient receives a
medal and $10,000.

Susan Green, Chair of the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards, 
says, "Ten thousand dollars to an emerging artist is a catalyst for great things."

"We've seen careers blossom in previous recipients and we know today's
award will strengthen these artists and Alberta's performing, literary and
visual arts culture in the process.                                  

          2012 Alberta Emerging Artists

Kyle Armstong - Filmmaker
Naomi Brand - Contemporary Dancer and Choreographer
Mitch Holtby - Emcee, Producer, Composer, Multi-Instrumentalist
Kristopher Karklin - Photographer/Sculptor
Chris Millar - Painter/Sculptor
Emma Parkinson - Mezzo-Soprano
Diane Mae Robinson - Children's Author
Eric Rose - Theater Director
Diane with Lieutenant Governor, His Honourable Donald S. Ethell

The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Foundation has established a program of awards for emerging artists to support and encourage promising artists, early in their careers, while also serving to raise the profile of the arts in Alberta.
The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Emerging Artist Awards are awarded every second year, beginning in 2008. Each Award consists of $10,000 and a medal. Up to ten prizes may be awarded in each awards cycle. Award recipients are selected by an application and adjudication process. Emerging Alberta Artists who meet the eligibility criteria may make application for the Award.
Appraisals are required from two established artists who are in a position to provide the Foundation with a candid assessment of the Applicant’s current accomplishments and potential to develop.
The Awards will be presented by the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta at an event held at Government House in Edmonton.

This was the most amazing day of my writing career! The prestige and recognition of receiving this award is beyond description. I am honored and

As most of you know, my first book took 9 years to find a publisher. During that time I can't say that I was never discouraged, but I can say that I always believed in myself and my writing ability.

The path to becoming a published author is not an easy venture, but it is an adventure. I wouldn't change any of those baby steps it took for me to get there because now I totally understand what all the hard work and years add up to for me.

Thank you to everyone who supports me in my writing endeavors and to those who have encouraged me along the way.

Thank you to the two professionals that had to submit an appraisal of my work for this award; Amy Malo and Gisela Felsberg. You both must have said something amazing!

The four northern Alberta Emerging Artists; Kristopher Karlkin, Photographer/Sculptor; Kyle Armstrong, Filmaker; Mitch Holtby, Producer,Composer, Multi-Intrumentalist; Diane Mae Robinson, Children 's Book Author.

A big thank you; Donna Cardinal, Susan Green, Lee Elliott and all the board members of the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards


  1. Awesome. Those 9 years of rejections have been worth it. Congratulations.

  2. Awesome! Very Awesome! Congratulations Diane!

    You are the STAR! of the day at Kid Lit Reviews.

    1. Thanks,Sue. This is my BONUS day. To be featured on your site is always an honor.

