autographing event set to go
St. Paul,
Alberta - In a gathering unlike any St. Paul has seen, six area authors will
be introducing themselves and their books to the community at a group
autographing session in the new St. Paul Value Drug Mart on Friday, 20 June
2014 from 1 – 3 pm and again in the evening from 6 - 7 pm.
A broad taste of books will be available to purchase from
the authors. Shannon Ouellette, writing
as Shannon Raelynn, will be there with her romance, SEASCAPE.
Diane Beveridge, writing as Diane Peeling, will present her brand new book of poetry, A JOURNEY IN WORDS: Discovering my Being.
Diane Beveridge, writing as Diane Peeling, will present her brand new book of poetry, A JOURNEY IN WORDS: Discovering my Being.

Learn a bit of local history from Ella Drobot with her
semi-autobiographical anthology BEHIND THE KITCHEN STOVE and Nicholas Verbisky
with his autobiographical EMBARRAS PORTAGE: Before, and After.
Eileen Schuh will be promoting the first three novels in her
young adult BackTracker series: THE TRAZ, THE TRAZ School Edition, FATAL ERROR
and FIREWALLS as well as her adult science fiction novellas, SCHRODINGER’S CAT
“All the authors are very excited about this opportunity,”
Schuh says, noting St. Paul and area businesses, organizations and individuals
have been exceptionally supportive of her career. “We love writing and are
really looking forward to sharing our words first hand and face-to-face with
members of our community.”
As St. Paul doesn’t have a bookstore, the Value Drug Mart
for years has supported area authors by stocking their books. Now, with an
expansive new location, they’ve decided to further promote the literary arts in
their community by sponsoring an autographing event for the authors behind the
books on their shelves.
Hope Ainsworth, Store Front Manager for St. Paul Value Drug
Mart, whose idea sparked the event says, “We are looking forward to showcasing
talent that is in our own backyard and seeing many of you stop by to chat
and meet the people behind the stories .”
Authors will also gladly grant interviews during the event.
For more on my fantasy kids books, visit my website at:
For more on my fantasy kids books, visit my website at:
How did this go? Sell many books? Did you do a reading or just the Diane Robinson / Diane Mae Robinson? This does sound very exciting. I hope you are having a great time. I think you should have a manager going along with you. Send fare. :)
ReplyDeleteThe event had seven area authors participating for a book signing. It was a fantastic day. I've never been in a room with so many diverse writers for such a long time. I loved the energy of the day and I will do a post about this soon, We each sold several or more books, and the books ranged from: poetry/prose, sci-fi, native history, northern radio operator (approximately 1950's) biography, town girl to farm wife biography, romance, and myself as a children's book author, I have all their books now.
DeleteYou sold "several or more books" Is that new math or Canadian math? Is this the way publishers count when telling you number of books they owe you your percentage? It's no wonder so many authors are confused about how many books are really sold. Sheesh!
DeleteSeveral, or more. Some sold several; I sold more than several, Kapeesh?
DeleteIt's totally a Canadian way of talking. Hmmm, maybe I should check with my publisher on the numbers again.