Friday 28 June 2013

Reflections: Friends, Art, Creativity.

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have,  
Pampered Cowgirl's photo.

 and one of the best things you can be.
 ~ Douglas Pagels

Never lose curiosity. Stop every day to understand
and appreciate a little of the Mystery that surrounds
you, and, your life will be filled with awe and discovery
to the very end.

Earthschool harmony's photo.

Attraction For Life's photo.'s photo. Self-Desception

"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library." - Jorge Luis Borges

“The idea is to write so that people hear it, and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.” —Maya Angelou

Bride Capital Art Class 1995
Art by Sue Morris

Art by Pablo Picaso

Art by Diane Robinson

Art by Dr. Seuss

Art by Dr. Seuss

May we always have friendship, art and creativity.

Visit my author's website:


  1. What an interesting post. It says nothing, yet says everything. The photographs and artwork (sans maybe one pencil sketch), are so interesting and varied. I love the art by Dr. Seuss. The first looks like a flowering dragon with whiffs of butterflies.

    Heaven as a humungous library is a wonderful idea as long as there is paper to write and draw.

    Are all of these photos and art from people you know? Is everyone an artist, by vocation (yes, everyone was made by an artist, not arguing this).

    Friends are the family we choose. Love this friendship post.

    Friendship is the heart of our soul. Without it, we die.

  2. Creative people are often artistic people. Art is as individual as the person---that's what makes art so interesting.

    I love the pencil sketch you did. I think it's very creative and well done.

    Yes, friends are the family we choose. Thank you for being my friend and part of the family I choose.

