Saturday, 5 May 2018

Alicia and the Light Bulb People - Book Review

Alicia and the Light Bulb People in Star Factory 13

Author Barbara Roman
  • Paperback: 50 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 6, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1979398267
  • ISBN-13: 978-1979398268

Book Description

Where do light bulbs go when they burn out? Do they stay dead forever? Or can they be regenerated to live a brand new life with a brand new purpose? If they’re lucky they go to Star Factory 13 to become glorious stars in the sky…after they pass a rigorous test of their personality given by Carelia the Light Goddess, that is.

But how in the world did 10-year-old Alicia get to Star Factory 13? All she did was go shopping in Walker’s Department Store with Mother to buy a new lamp for her bedroom. Could there really have been some magic in that department store Christmas tree? Or perhaps it was the ride in the elevator with the Golden Door that did it. The elevator button said “Press Me” and Alicia willingly obliged.

Up she rode to the 13th floor to find an assortment of wise-cracking light bulb people, all with distinct personalities, each coming from sad, silly or desperate circumstance, all hoping to take their rightful place in the heavens.

Alicia and the Light Bulb People is an enchanting tale of friendship, courage, and realizing your star potential through the magic of believing!

My Thoughts

What really happens to burned out light bulb? Alicia and the Light Bulb People in Star Factory 13 will captivate the reader in this charming story about the fantastical journey light bulbs take.

Star Factory 13 is a truly magical place; a place where the discarded Light Bulb People go to school to learn to accept themselves for their individual attributes and find the courage to complete their journey. Alicia encourages them and helps them start their journeys, while learning some life lessons herself.

Author Barbara Roman has created a very imaginative tale full of wonder, surprises, and humor that will be enjoyed by children and adults alike.

About The Author

Barbara Roman is the author of the children's book, "Hubert in Heaven," and is aka B. Roman, author of The Moon Singer Trilogy, a YA fantasy series, as well as the suspense fiction "Whatever Became of Sin?"

Find out more about all of my books by going to my author page:
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